Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I've Stopped Losing

Ok, I've had a set back. I've stopped losing weight. I'm stagnate. I think I may be going back up again... I just don't feel myself... I am so stressed with not having work, bills mounting, and not being in control of anything that is out of control. My habits of over eating/stress eating is coming back. It makes me mad! I need to snap out of this, I just am not sure how!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Part Time Photographer

I've already started to feel myself get depressed. I do have a part time job... 1 day a week for 8 hours... It's not enough. Come on, keep it up, Marie!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Trip to Brazil

That was one eventful trip. I called off the wedding a bit before my birthday... I'm now announcing it since it's official. I'm ok - I think... I did have a break-down in the airplane on the way home. I feel bad for the guy that was sitting next to me. Here I am sitting there quietly watching a movie and all of a sudden burst into tears. LOL! And it wasn't even a sad movie! I honestly don't even remember what I was watching. But he turned to me and asked if I wanted a cookie. I politely said "no, thank you" in Portuguese and then excused myself to the restroom. I locked myself in there for 10 minutes and just sobbed. I feel ok now. I haven't cried other than that 1 time. I'm good... I worry about the depression sinking in... If I really will be able to still keep the motivation. My motivation before was honestly for the wedding. My goals changed. Now I've got to make sure I keep my focus. Wedding is off, I have no job to go home to, not sure how the stress will hit me... We shall see...