Monday, July 12, 2010


I really love this website I've found this weekend, They have quite a few great articles that I wanted to share. This one I found interesting since my last food journals were all about how many calories I took in that day.
10 Bikini Ready Diet Habits

Know Your Daily Caloric Intake

While you don't need to be neurotic about every bite you take throughout the day, it's always in your favor to have a ball-park figure of what you need to consume to maintain and/or lose weight.

Average Daily Calories To Maintain Your Weight:

Here is a simple formula courtesy of Discovery Health that can also help you figure out how to lose a few pounds. Simply take your weight and multiply it by 12 and that is the amount of calories you need to consume daily. For example if you weigh 135 pounds then you should be consuming 1,620 on a daily basis.

To produce a weight loss at the safe rate of one to two pounds per week, all you need to do is subtract calories from your daily total. If you want to lose one pound, you should shed 500 calories per week. For two pounds, you should ditch 1,000.

For me to maintain my weight (I don't want to do that!) I need to be taking in 2700 a day. But that means if I want to lose 2lbs a week, I need to be taking in only 1700. Interesting switch in numbers!

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